Halloween is just around the corner and it’s time to start thinking about candy. Every year people go around neighborhoods, dressed up and looking for the best candy. But is what everyone is wishing would show up in their baskets? That’s right, Reese’s Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Pumpkins, are obviously the superior candy. What better way to get into the spooky season than to eat a small spooky pumpkin? Some might say the best candy could be the jolly rancher lollipops, but do these suckers give that perfectly delectable bite of peanut butter goodness, I don’t think so! The only thing these lollipops give are colored tongues and the sadness brought by not having peanut butter and milk chocolate. Real Simple states, ” This perennial favorite easily finished first in the candy derby, earning the title of most popular Halloween candy in 18 states, including densely populated ones like California, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.” As you can see, Reese’s truly is the best Halloween candy.
The Best Halloween Candy; Reese’s Pumpkins
November 1, 2023
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About the Contributor

Lila Heuvelink, Staff Reporter
Lila is a junior and a member of the Red and Black Brigade. She actively participates in various school activities, including BETA Club, NHS, Book Club, and Rampage. She loves to write, and by joining the newspaper club she hopes to expand her journalism skills. She is excited for what this year is to bring.