HHS Rampage

The Student News Site of Hillcrest High School

HHS Rampage

HHS Rampage

About The Rampage

What’s It About?: 

The RamPage is a club where students come together to write the newspaper for Hillcrest. They cover a wide variety of topics including clubs/organizations, student body, sports, staff/faculty, local news, social media, popular culture, and HHS news. Each member works hard to report their topic. The RamPage is led and edited by students, with Mrs. Grieve as the overall head of the club. The website consists of articles written by the club members, which you can find at www.hhsrampage.com.

Why the club was started:

Rampage was started because we wanted a news outlet for the students and for the students of Hillcrest High School.  It sounded like not many people knew what was going on and they weren’t sure where to go for more information. Rampage is here to be that news outlet you need. We cover most things our school needs to be aware of, even things that aren’t school-related such as what’s going on in the community and world around us.

Connect With Rampage: 

You can connect with RamPage on the website (hhsrampage.com) and on the Instagram account (@hhsrampage). These are two outlets to get informed on things in the school and community. We hope you are excited about RamPage as much as we are! Stay tuned for more news!