The Fall of Kanye

Quint Holguin, Staff Reporter

Artist Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, has been under fire on social media due to his recent actions. Kanye is no stranger to controversial claims and publicity stunts. Some of these gestures include running for president in 2020, denouncing Taylor Swift’s VMA award, and buying the house across the street from his ex-wife. Most recently Ye might have gone too far when he wore a White Lives Matter shirt to a famous fashion exhibit. A week later, Kanye posted a tweet that gained even more traction among social media and his critics.


“I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE. The funny thing is I actaually can’t be Anti Semetic becuase black people are actually Jew also. You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone who apposes your agenda” 

– Kanye West October, 8th 2022


Many people are distancing themselves from Ye after his antisemitic tweet. Multiple companies have halted or are in the process of discontinuing working with the artist. For instance, Vogue, Balenciaga, and Adidas have stepped away from any business they had with Kanye. The public has also turned against Ye, especially his younger fans. A trend on TikTok has exploded in popularity where teens express their disappointment and concern for Kanye. “I can’t keep defending him” and “but he made Graduation [Kanyes most popular album]” are both prevalent in many of the TikTok videos addressing the Ye situation.