Poinsett Bridge


The marker that gives the information about Poinsett Bridge

Kassidy Bennett, Reporter

Are you a person who loves hiking, history, or an old haunted bridge? If yes I have just the bridge for you Poinsett Bridge it is very reserved and in the mountains. Poinsett Bridge was built in 1820 it is one of the oldest bridges in South Carolina it is also one of the oldest surviving bridges. Poinsett bridge is in Traveler Rest the bridge is on the state road of Greenville to Asheville.

History behind Poinsett Bridge; Poinsett Bridge was built for an easier way for buggies and cart to get across. The bridge is named after their early Greenville resident Joel Poinsett. In 1970 it was declared a historic landmark. They think that Robert Mills the one who built the Washington Monument may have designed the bridge. 500 workers worked on the Poinsett Bridge. It took four months to finish the bridge.

What is so famous about this bridge? Even though Poinsett is one of the oldest bridges it has a dark and haunted twist. Some people have said whenever they are trying to leave the bridge their car will not start. Some people and myself have got a chilling feeling while being there. There is a legend that says that the workers who died while working on the bridge are buried within or under the bridge. There is another legend that says a slave woman was hung underneath the arch of the bridge for disobeying her slave master. It is believed that Poinsett was an old Indian burial land. People have said to see red orbs and white lanterns in the night. There have been screams heard throughout the night.