Digital Dependency

Addiction of the Isolated (Stock images provided by

Quint Holguin, Staff Reporter

The age of patience has crumbled to ruins with the phone in your pocket. Instead, your phone has begun an era of addiction. While most people are reliant on technology, they understand that time away from screens and monitors is an important separation. However, children often don’t have the restraint or responsibility to remove themselves from their devices. Consequently, kids can easily become addicted to their phones and other electronics.

Addiction in teenagers can often stem from early childhood habits. For instance, a parent giving their child a phone for entertainment creates a strong attachment to the device and diminished any natural connection with the real world. Thus, children have been trained to be constantly connected to the internet since the moment they could hold a tablet. Addiction stems from a chemical compound in your brain called dopamine. Dopamine is the chemical responsible for temporary good feelings. While most commonly triggered by eating delicious food, a like on Instagram or TikTok can be just as effective at activating a rush of dopamine. Studies show that the levels of dopamine from texting are the same as the levels during other stimuli like sex and drugs. Drug addiction is a well-known problem, but cellphone addiction can be just as powerful, if not more.

           To combat the dangers of social media, a dopamine diet is recommended. Taking breaks or limiting yourself from the addicting stimuli can allow you to regain control. Technology-dependent children can limit their cell phone usage through screen time setting on their phones, or by physically distancing themselves from their devices. The most difficult challenge to overcome this addiction is by maintaining a healthy balance between normal phone usage and addiction levels of use. Technology will always be a constant in your life but only you have to power to stay addiction-free.