Toilet Paper: [Over] or Under?

Braeden Cason, Editor/Staff Reporter

Toilet paper: Everyone knows it, everyone loves it, and it would be pretty weird without it. When it comes to hanging it up for use, how do you do it? Over, under, maybe sideways if you can manage that? Some people even stack rolls on top of the tank of their toilet instead. Well in my, and a lot of people’s opinions, over is the right way to go. Not only is it more efficient, but it also looks way more presentable to people that need to use it. And when talking about health, having the roll turned in the “under” position comes with a higher possibility of bacteria going from the toilet to the roll for the next person, which can lead to food poisoning and pink eye. With the roll positioned “over”, your fingers only touch what you need, and keep from accidentally touching the wall behind it. You also waste less when you can see the tearing line instead of having to guess while it’s backward.
Some people may say that it makes it less likely for a child or pet to unravel the toilet paper. To that, I say close the bathroom door so your cat can not get inside. And as for the young child, stuff happens. Teach them to not unravel the roll and hang it over like any sane human being. In the end, it just makes sense to put your toilet paper this way, or I guess you could always use a bidet instead.