Homecoming Night Recap


Braeden Cason

The Hillcrest chorus group singing the Star Spangled Banner

Braeden Cason, Editor/Staff Reporter

Homecoming began this past Friday during the football game against Wren, where the Rams won 49 – 0, surprising nobody. Hillcrest’s chorus group sang the Star Spangled Banner and the Alma Mater before the game to a standing ovation. As the night covered the sky and the game ended, students made their way into the commons for the Homecoming dance. The music choice was alright, though there wasn’t much to do past standing around, talking with people, or dancing. Even though there wasn’t too much to do, it was a pretty fun time! Most students who attended said it was fun, while others said it was overrated. Most people had a good time at the end of the night and made it home safely, though it took forever to get out of the parking lot.