Reading with the Rams and its Contribution to Molding Young Minds

How reading the program Reading with the Rams has helped young students find a love for reading and their future.


Na'asia Goodman, Staff Reporter

“Reading with the Rams”, started by Mrs. Lisa Vierow, is a partnership between Hillcrest High School and Bryson Elementary school. It is a reading program created to help young elementary students find a love of reading and explore the different ways books can be applied to life. It started with athletes going over to Bryson and reading to the students, then more and more people began to join. Now it is a mix of student-athletes, teacher cadets, and more who go to the elementary school once a month for thirty minutes to interact with the young minds. For the students at Bryson who get to experience the effects of this partnership, it is such a fun time. They see high school students as mini-celebrities, as inspirations who they want to grow up and be like. This is why it is such an important program for both the volunteers and the kids. Now not only do the little kids get to benefit from this but so do the older ones. Students who volunteer for Reading with the Rams can earn service hours for the National Honors Society and or Beta Club as well as look amazing on college applications. This spectacular program not only shows younger kids a great model of how high school students are, it shows them how important reading is to not only expand their minds, but it teaches them how to be self-educated through books. It is truly such a wonderful program, run by caring people, that helps create bright students for a bright future.