Gas Goes Beserk!


Local Gas Station displaying their prices

Jade Pichierre, Editor/Staff Reporter

Ever since Covid-19 first began, gas prices have had their extreme highs and lows. With the ever-changing prices, people in the community and in surrounding areas are disappointed in the amount they have to spend on their gas. Why is this happening? Supply and demand play a major role in the world of gas. The need for more gas to power more cars is essential to the daily world of millions of individuals. What can the community do to lower gas prices? Driving strategically and tracking gas prices are the way to go. Plan trips and work schedules accordingly to be beneficial to your financial income. Along with that, new apps are coming into effect that is handy to use when trying to find lower gas prices. Some people are switching over to electric cars in an attempt to decrease the amount of money they spend solely on gas, while others are choosing to carpool and travel in groups. As time progresses, the prices are beginning to drop but will we ever see normality come back to these once low prices? This question leaves people with uncertainty and with the constant change going on in the world today, certainty is what we need.