Saturday, February 22nd, our Hillcrest Mock Trial team went to compete in Mock Trial Regionals. Students in mock trial have been working since November as lawyers and witnesses, preparing their case on State of South Carolina v. Dorian Delaney. The case featured a boy named Kylin Abbot, who passed away at his high school track practice. The students had to prepare arguments for both sides: the prosecution, showing that Coach Dorian Delaney was at fault for Kylin’s death under involuntary manslaughter and unlawful conduct toward a child, and the defense, arguing that Dorian Delaney was innocent and that other factors contributed to Kylin’s death.
The mock trial case itself is fictional and created by the South Carolina Bar; however, the work these students put into it was very real. Mock trial operates in a real courtroom setting, with competitions held at our very own Greenville County Courthouse. Students learn how to make objections, deliver opening and closing statements, conduct direct and cross-examinations, and—come competition day—present their case before a real presiding judge and a jury who decide their scores.
On February 22nd, Hillcrest Mock Trial competed in their second trial of the season; however, this marks the first time a Hillcrest team has ever competed in the South Carolina Bar competition. We are so proud of all the students who participated in this tournament, including our defense attorneys: Kennedy Kavanaugh, Nicholas Fann, and Isabella Collins. Their witnesses were Frankie Fulton (played by Ryan Hurson), Shay Eckerison (played by Lila Huevelink), and Dorian Delaney (played by Preston Phillips). Our state attorneys were Jerrelle Anthony, Lila Huevelink, and Preston Phillips, with their witnesses being Bailey Brown (played by Isabella Collins), Avery Abbott (played by Kennedy Kavanaugh), and Cameron Covington (played by Nicholas Fann).
These students did an outstanding job for their first competition. Student Nicholas Fann reflected on the experience, saying, “It’s a great opportunity to hang out with my friends and learn new skills.”
The students are excited to welcome new participants in the fall for Youth in Government Mock Trial, so if you’re interested, please reach out to Mr. Eversole, Mrs. Hailey, or any of the students involved for more information.
Great job, Hillcrest Mock Trial!