Recently, Hillcrest students received the privilege of attending the Furman Honor Band. These students prepared and auditioned for the chance to perform in the hall of McAlister Auditorium. Band directors from all across the state nominated up to 10% of their currently enrolled program based on order of nomination, placements in a 2024 All-State Band, past experience at Furman summer camps, and nominations with especially positive band director recommendations.
During this two day event, three bands bands performed with different performers from all across South Carolina. Students had the chance to learn new techniques, participate in a master class, and perform a full schedule performance at Furman University. Ben Lynes, a senior saxophonist, stated that,”Band can be described as a family. There were many different people from all around the state, yet we all bonded as one to make amazing music.”
Furman University is widely known for opening their doors for many different opportunities that relate to band and other activities for Greenville County and beyond. Chloe Thorne, a sophomore clarinetist , stated that,” This band was a community, even though many of these people met each other for the first time at Furman, there was so much support.”
There were approximately 215 students that participated in this opportunity, the most Furman has hosted for their Honor Bands. Micah Johnston told Rampage about his experience regarding Furman, he stated, “Band is a different experience for all who join, it gives you a chance to improve your talents and create life long connections while you work.” These students who participated worked so hard, only rehearsing together for about six hours, they performed an outstanding show.