Thanksgiving is already right around the corner. It’s time to start thinking of the wonderful food that is going to be prepared, friends and family that will drop by, and those really personal questions some in-laws like to ask for some reason. The one think that we don’t need to start thinking about just yet is Christmas. Sure, you can start thinking about the certain gift ideas for you or your loved ones, but setting that holiday mood before the Thanksgiving table place is set is just wrong! Many people would disagree with this statement, arguing that Christmas is forever and always a November/December holiday, Mariah Carey being one of these people. Families need to set aside a dedicated time to think about everything that we can be grateful for. Everyday we should have an attitude of gratitude, especially Christmas, but don’t forget about the day we automatically set aside for thanks . So, think before you set out those thousands of Christmas lights and blast Micheal Buble to the little weekend near the end of November where everyone gathers to watch Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and the Macy’s Day Parade.
Holiday Thoughts
Lila Heuvelink, Staff Reporter
November 18, 2024
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About the Contributor

Lila Heuvelink, Staff Reporter
Lila is a junior and a member of the Red and Black Brigade. She actively participates in various school activities, including BETA Club, NHS, Book Club, and Rampage. She loves to write, and by joining the newspaper club she hopes to expand her journalism skills. She is excited for what this year is to bring.