When you go to watch your favorite streamer, which platform do you usually use to stream them on? A majority of people would probably say Twitch, but why would they? When it comes to streaming the number one platform for that is twitch. You can find all the popular content creators on twitch as well as those who are just starting. But did you know that youtube is also a big streaming platform? It’s not many people’s first choice but it is still a nice platform to stream on. And did you know that many creators on twitch are considering transferring over to youtube? These thoughts from creators are arising because of the change twitch made that will impact how creators will get paid from their lives. Twitch is now taking 50% of creators donations and earnings from their lives while youtube only takes about 45% of creators’ earning leaving them with more money, another thing is both youtube and twitch pays creators from ad breaks but would you guess that youtube actually pays more to their creators while their viewers get less and skippable ad times?
Yes , youtube might have stricter rules and guidelines but it pays much better than twitch and treats their content creators way better than twitch. But what do you prefer, youtube or twitch?