Are you a big Peanuts fan? Well, have you heard the news of a new Peanuts series named “Welcome Home Franklin”?
“Welcome Home Franklin” is a 2024 animated television special in the Peanuts franchise and the first ever to center around the African American character of Franklin Armstrong. Franklin was first introduced in a comic strip of Peanuts back on July 31, 1968, and was the first ever black character of the Peanuts series/comics.
The pilot of this series revolves around Franklin, the son of a military family, moving to a new town and Franklin struggling to make friends before ultimately partnering and even bonding with the infamous Charlie Brown.
It is said that this show was released on the date February 16, 2024, and can be streamed on Apple TV.
So sit down and gather around your loved ones to watch this amazing and cinematic special of the Peanuts!