Season 2 of the Murdaugh murders was released on September 20. A recap of season 1 described the boating accident that happened a couple of years earlier before the murders. The boating incident involved Paul Murdaugh and his friends. Season 1 also gave us interviews with the friends in the boating incident. Season 2 gives us more facts about Alex Murdaugh, his drug obsession, and Alex stealing from his own family law firm. Season 2 gives you videos from the trial. Season 2 gives us interviews with the housekeeper who was working for the Murdaughs in their home before and after the murders. There was an interview with Cousin Eddy who “assisted” Alex in his suicide by shooting him but Eddy denied all of the allegations. Cousin Eddy is also suspected to be Alex’s drug dealer since Cousin Eddy was receiving $1,000 – $100,000 from money Alex was stealing from his family’s law firm. Cousin Eddy denied being Alex’s drug dealer. There is an interview with Alex’s mother’s caretaker who was told by Alex to say he had been at his mother’s house for 30-45 minutes but in reality, he had only been there for 10 minutes. We later find out Alex was lying/changing his story to officers about him being there and what happened. The way the court found out Alex killed Maggie and Paul was thanks to Paul’s phone which had a video of him showing his dogs in the video you can hear Paul and Maggie but you also hear Paul which he said he was at his mother’s house at the time Maggie and Paul were murdered. This video was evidence that Paul killed his wife and son. The documentary gives the final verdict that Paul received for this crime. There are more facts on Netflix about Season 2 featuring 3 episodes of the documentary.
Season 2 of Murdaugh Murders:A Southern Scandal!
Kassidy Bennett, Staff Reporter
October 3, 2023
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Kassidy Bennett, Staff Reporter
Kassidy Bennett is a Junior at Hillcrest High School. The newspaper club is the first club she has joined. This is her third year on the Rampage. She has always loved to write and by joining the newspaper club she hopes to expand her writing skills. She loves to spend time with her family, friends and her two cats, or just be creative with whatever she is doing.