NBA 2K24 released recently and it is the twenty-fourth installment in the 2K franchise. The game released with features like an all-new City to roam and explore and a new gameplay system to play with. While the new features are welcome, critics cite an issue that spans most modern games today: virtual currency. In 2K24, VC is a ticket to upgrading your player and buying packs. The other option is to sit through mindless gameplay working for the virtual currency. When faced with the two options, a player may be tempted to choose the former. This isn’t good because it creates a cycle of people paying top dollar to have the best things in the game, instead of playing 2K for what it is.
I played on the launch day of 2K 24, and after about twenty minutes of gameplay, I gave up. An overwhelming amount of pressure filled me when I saw my competition in the game. I didn’t falter though.
NBA 2k24 is a basketball game that isn’t about basketball. Basketball takes the backseat to a colorful, and distracting open world with virtual items to spend real money on. Next year, get back to the ball.