AJR New Release: “The Dumb Song”
“The Dumb Song” cover art by AJR
May 1, 2023
AJR is a popular band that has been making music since 2005, composed of three brothers: Adam, Jack, and Ryan Met. With 4 studio albums and a 5th coming soon (TMM), plus well-known songs like “Sober Up,” “Weak,” and “Bang!,” AJR has made themselves known in the music world. Their newest single, “The Dumb Song,” has been teased since early January, with videos being posted of the progress of the song and that it was on its way to being released. These progress updates included parts of the song’s melody and lyrics. They announced the release for the 21st of April, changing their profile pictures on social media accounts to the cover art for the song as the date grew closer. At midnight on April 21st, a visualizer forĀ “The Dumb Song” was released to their YouTube channel, with an official video posted at 10:00 AM that morning. Unlike music videos for their other work, this one followed the year and a half journey that it took to create the song, including behind the scenes of how they made it, important points in time along the way, and subtitles explaining the different shots in the video. This helped in telling a more personable story, being open with their fans about it all and making them feel like they’re along for the ride.
The song is a blast to listen to, with very catchy lyrics and a seamless harmony of the different instruments and vocals. An immense, striking drumline is accompanied by the roaring brass and melodic piano and guitar. The vocals blend perfectly with the rest of the song, providing a great harmonic experience. The effort and wait proved to be worth it as after 9 days the song amassed over 1 million views between the visualizer and the official video on YouTube, with 2.5 listens on Spotify. AJR has done it again, making an incredible song that is anything but dumb.