A Packed Job Fair!


Quint Holguin, Staff Reporter

Hillcrest Highschool recently held a job fair for any interested students. The main purpose of the event was to promote local businesses and jobs for any interested students. Dozens of companies were set up in the auxiliary gyms in the school. Companies ranging from excavation, banking, mental health, EMTS, and so many more amazed Hillcrest students. Many companies also passed out business cards promoting their business and possible internships. Some stands had fishbowl lotteries, collections of their products, and others had cool gadgets or games to entertain the students. The Job fair was a great opportunity for high school students to open their minds to the vast world of different occupations.



ZF presenting their manufacturing and construction internships for the summer. These three men explained to countless students the aspects of their jobs and effectively answered any questions asked.






A full gym packed with eager students and a plethora of job tables!