Rising Electives at Hillcrest


Hillcrest Highschool encourages their students to enroll in some of their elective classes throughout their education. While larger, more well-known electives, like art and band, maintain a large number of students, lesser-known electives have also been growing. The goal of this article is to define and create a basis for students to understand an elective before they enroll in it. In this way students will have a general concept of the class and what to expect.


Cosmetology is a course offered through the Golden Strip Career Center. Cosmetology is a double-blocked course and is two semesters long. The class is only available to Juniors and Seniors, and it is recommended that you start your Junior year so you will be able to graduate with your license. However, there is a class available for Freshman and Sophomore students through Golden Strip that allows you to help out during class. Cosmetology covers hair styling and techniques, nail and skin care, and basic salon procedures/ management. Mrs. Nugent, the course teacher at Golden Strip is known to be super friendly and provides good instructions and tips. The coursework for Cosmetology mainly consists of in-class procedures and hands-on learning, with little to no take-home assignments. There is a $500 fee that covers the expenses of your kit, but compared to the prices of Cosmetology schools after graduation, it is a steal. Cosmetology does not require any prior classes and is great for those who want jobs as hair stylists, nail technicians, or skincare specialists.

Small Animal Care

Small Animal Care is an agriculture class that provides information regarding small animals, their care, and the small animal industry. Small Animal Care is available to all grade levels as an elective and multiple agriculture classes can count towards your foreign language classes needed for graduation. The class is taught by the agriculture course teachers in the school. The homework in the class is very light, mainly consisting of work not completed during the class block. However, many have said they were disappointed in the class, having only seen one animal throughout the year, and they mainly completed the OSHA course. Small Animal Care is a great class to take for those who are interested in agriculture or those who simply need foreign language credits to graduate.

Law Education

Law Education is a CP level social studies class that covers the need-to-know Constitutional laws that reside in the United States. Law Ed has one assignment per unit that you complete on your own, which is vocab, and the rest you complete in class with the teacher, Mr. Berry. Due to Law Ed being a CP level course, the class is relatively easy while being interesting and extremely beneficial. Mr. Berry is lenient with his grading compared to other teachers and offers test retakes in between units to those who are unsatisfied with their grades. Law Ed does not require any prior classes/knowledge and is available to all grade levels. Overall, Law Education is a great course for those who are interested in the legal system of our country to take.


Theatre is a class that students can take all four years of high school if they wish. It is taught by Mrs. Ballew and focuses on the history and reenactment of the theatrical arts. The course is designed to let students explore a plethora of theatrical elements such as monologues, performances, improvisation, and mimicry. Many theatre students also participate in the yearly performance that Hillcrest puts on during the spring semester. The class is a welcomed break from the studying and difficult courses that are required as you progress through high school. However, if you are a student who is uncomfortable performing, talking, or presenting in front of others then this class may not be the best fit for you.

Digital Publication and Design

Digital Publication and Design is a class for those interested in digital art creation. The class focuses on teaching students photo editing skills and tactics. Many of the posters and images posted around Hillcrest have gone through this class. The class has a normal workload with 2-3 assignments a week and 3-4 major projects sprinkled throughout the quarter. The class is offered as an intro to digital media design although students may find they face a steep learning curve for the programs they use. Students may face difficulty with learning the tools and inner workings of the Photoshop-like programs that are a staple of the course. However, most students had picked up the novice basics within the first few weeks. Calwile also provides short videos and lessons on how to use specific tools in the programs. The class features almost no homework, although if you don’t finish an assignment in class, you may be expected to complete it on your own time. Calwile is lenient with grades and due dates, although she will not be if you are simply not trying. Overall the class is a good beginner course to take if you are interested in digital design and technology.