Jeff Bezos, The Employer of America

Jeff Bezos, The Employer of America

Quint Holguin, Staff Reporter

The decade-long rise of Bezos and his child, Amazon, encompassed the nation and its people. Now one in 150 Americans works for Jeffery Bezos in some capacity. The dominant presence of Amazon started as a shipping business but quickly leaked into streaming services, music, audiobooks, and even groceries. Amazon and its underlings are so crucial in our lives that most Americans would struggle without them. However, it seems Amazon may be on the decline in the near future. Amazon recently laid off 10,000 workers over the Christmas season of last year. This is especially shocking because the holidays are usually the busiest times for shipping companies and they require more workers to keep up with the demand. Still, Amazon employs over 1.1 million people, not to mention the other companies under amazon that each employs thousands. In the future, Amazon could employ a large majority of American citizens, whether they realize it or not.