Mario Brothers 1-Uping the Competition


Quint Holguin, Staff Reporter

The beloved plumber duo is set to hit the big screen later this year. While commercials and trailers have been leaked, one creative form of advertising is grabbing the attention of lots of people. A recent commercial, starring the original Mario Brothers rap from the 90s movie, is made to look like a plumbing ad for the Mario brothers. However, at the end of the clip, a phone number appears on the screen. While most would dismiss this, some have called the number and been pleasant surprised. Luigi will pick up the phone and tell you the phone lines are busy now and to text them instead. If you follow his instructions, The Mario Brothers will respond by thanking you for your business and give you a link to their website. The website is another promotional stunt for the movie, but it does have some easter eggs of its own. Viewers can visit Bowser’s Kingdom and even play the original Super Mario Bros. theme by clicking on pipes in a certain order.