Real vs [Fake] Christmas Trees


Artificial Christmas Tree

Lariel Reategui, Staff Reporter

Artificial Christmas trees have many advantages over real trees, starting with the fact that getting one doesn’t require cutting down a living tree. They are also safer, hypoallergenic, low maintenance, and provide a reusable holiday decoration. Unlike live Christmas trees, artificial trees do not need to be watered. They also don’t drop pine needles or sap like real trees, so you don’t have to spend as much time cleaning up after them. Live Christmas trees can cause a fire hazard if they dry out, as opposed to their artificial counterpart. Artificial trees are less likely to trigger allergic responses in sensitive family members and friends; they also typically come in a compact cardboard box that will easily fit in most cars, or be able to be delivered to your home. Price-wise, artificial trees are cheaper, so if your biggest holiday concern is budget, this might make your decision easier.